360 Degree Safe
South West Grid for Learning
360 degree safe is a user friendly, online tool which allows schools to review and improve their e-safety provision.
It is free of charge to all schools and is used by over 850 registered schools across 110 local authorities.
Users receive feedback through a selection of improvement actions and are also supported by a comprehensive selection of links to supporting documents.
Schools are constantly provided with information as to how they compare with the national benchmarks for each aspect.
There is also the opportunity for schools to apply for the 360 degree safe E-Safety Mark.

Free resource from SWGfL

Teacher Recommendations and Experiences
Bradon Forest
We found the 360 e safe review really useful. We had a range of policies and activities occurring around the school so the review allowed us to bring all these together in one record showing the involvement of all stakeholders. It also allowed us to reflect on 'what comes next' and we have adapted our School Development Plan to reflect the review and Assessment.
David Wright, Deputy Head
Bradon Forest School, Wiltshire