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Evaluation Services

TEEM Education have years of experience in providing high quality evaluation services, We have an enviable team of educational professionals who carry out this work. Many of them have worked with TEEM for years and have had the benefit of evaluating many educational ICT resources.

Our teachers deliver reviews, evaluations and case studies. They are all subtly different and have educational value at the heart of the work. Teachers are supported to deliver work for the the wider teacher audiences and prepare their work against well tested frameworks.

Publishers Response

The work of the teachers cannot be edited by the publisher although factual errors can be changed. You will be sent the review or evaluation before it is published and can make the decision not to have it published if you wish. Less than 1% of publishers decide to take this action. However genuine teacher testing can be valuable for your development teams if not your sales teams!

In addition we have recently introduced a publishers right to reply to teacher reviews and evaluations.

Sample TEEM Education Review with Publisher's Response.