Alfie qbank
Alfiesoft provide online assessments supporting progression in English, Mathematics, Science, PLTS and Learning to Learn. This is the only source for fully digitised, online, on-screen QCDA past papers, Optional Tests and Mental Mathematics.
Alfie (Assessing Learners for Informed Education) delivers assessments that produce learner and group reports based on the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and National Strategies. Alfie qbank contains over 7,500 question items licensed from the QCDA that contain accurate curriculum matching & levelling and cover English, Mathematics and Science through key stages 1, 2 & 3. Using Alfie qbank teachers can select pre-assembled tests or assemble their own tests to match their teaching.
Supported by a network of Associates who are Education and Assessment Professionals to help you get the most from our products

Teacher Recommendations and Experiences
Jim Beresford Assistant Head, Tong High School, said “Alfie has provided an easier way of assessing progress in Science and Mathematics whilst providing useful feedback at a lower topic level than we were previously able to achieve”
Steve Pomery at Filsham Valley school said “Alfie has provided a means to analyse pupil performance in real time allowing me to adjust the pace and personalisation and provide targeted support. The ability to get an Alfie judgement level by strand allows us to tailor our scheme of work to suit individual classes and pupils.”
Deputy Head, Chris Roberts, is delighted with the product and keen to take its use further. He said, “The individual reports will be shared with parents at Parents’ Evenings. This type of information gives a professional image of assessment and will show the school in a very good light.” South Shields Community School