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I Can Present

Kudlian Software

I Can Present is a fantastic application designed to bring students presentations to life by allowing them to create, film and present their work in a new and exciting way using green-screen technology.
Students begin by choosing appropriate backgrounds for their presentation, either from the library or by importing an image file.
To create a more authentic news broadcast feel to your presentation you can also add a watermark and scrolling news ticker for breaking news.
Text written will scroll on the tele-prompt allowing users to put together a flawless broadcast.
I Can Present is ideal for building on cross-curricula ICT links including, teamwork, collaboration, speaking & listening and creative writing.



Prices as follows: Single User - £44.95, 5 User £149.00, Primary Site: £390.00, Secondary Site £540.00


ERA Award logo

I Can Present has been shortlisted for an Award. Winners will be announced at the Education Show 17-19 March 2011, NEC, Birmingham