Class PET
Class PET is an online teaching and learning toolkit that gives you access to high-quality and focused KS1 & KS2 Literacy and Maths resources and assessments. Purchasing any Class PET pack automatically gives you and your school access to the Class PET tools including:
a user-friendly, personal area for every teacher and pupil in your school
flexible timesaving marking, giving you a clear sense of the outcomes of your pupils’ learning, with the ability for you to append and adjust the awarded scores
purposeful self-assessment tools for pupils, including instant feedback on their performance and the facility to collect reward stickers for their personal desktop area
‘Learning blog’ facility to easily exchange focussed messages from pupils, parents, peers or support staff as tasks are completed or as work is reviewed by teachers
home access at no extra cost
free telephone and technical support.
All Class PET content packs are available to buy separately as you need them, allowing you to build up your school’s bank of invaluable resources and assessments. And remember – purchasing any pack gives the entire school access to the Class PET toolkit.
Teacher Recommendations
Watch the following video case study