Film Education
KS2 (Years 3-6)
Picturacy® is an interactive DVD-ROM resource that offers a complete film and Literacy package, aiming to raise levels of achievement in speaking, listening and writing. Particularly popular with teachers looking for Literacy focussed resources that will engage boys, Picturacy® also provides cross-curricular links including ICT, Music and Art. Linked directly to the Primary Framework, it features a range of clips from popular children’s films with an easy-to-use interface enabling learners to analyse moving images interactively and create their own multimodal texts. Picturacy® is ideal for whole-class learning on an interactive whiteboard, and works equally well on individual computers.

£36 including VAT + £3.75 P&P. Price includes full site license.
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TEEM Evaluations
Picturacy is designed to support the teaching of visual literacy and help children develop practical film making skills.” The software includes film clips from a number of popular children's films and a bank of teaching activities and lesson plans to enable children to work individually, in pairs or small groups or as a class. The program enables children to watch film clips, record and edit soundtracks, capture stills, add speech and thought bubbles, edit images and create storyboards. The lesson plans also give information on using a camera to produce films, types of shots and camera angles, settings and use of colour and sound. The program has been produced by Film Education and support and further activities and suggestions are available from their website.